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We are helping our residential and commercial clients  reduce their reliance on the grid and achieve energy independence. 

Eligible homeowners and businesses will receive financial incentive towards the purchase of a solar system from the Federal government. The amount received increases with the size of the system and varies depending on the zone you're in. STC's can contribute as much as 40% of the total system cost, depending on the product selection and overall cost of the system. 

Ask us to learn more about this incentive.

Every house and business is bespoke in the product selection, system design and financial return. The ROI is going to depend heavily on the site specific characteristics such as the load/consumption profile of the premises and availability of roof space.

Using smart devices such as Catch Power hot water diverters, you can increase your self-consumption of electricity, and therefore increase your return on investment.

Solar is perfect for businesses looking to reduce their operating costs, reduce their carbon footprint or enhance energy security, by combining your system with battery storage. 

Businesses may be eligible for financial assistance through the federal governments Small-Scale Technology Certificates or Large-Scale Technology Certificates, depending on the size of the installation. 

There is also a new financial incentive through the ACT government, which provides dollar for dollar incentives up to $5000 for eligible businesses. Check with us to see if you meet the criteria.

We only supply the best products available in the market. Everything from the racking to the inverter are tried and tested high quality components. We have selected our panel range by taking into account all of the following factors, and determining which brands provide the most value, and the greatest longevity.

  • Warranty - The industry standard for panel product warranty is 10 years, which covers some areas of the physical solar panel. However, in many cases it does not include warranty for hot spots, LID and more. Our panels all come with longer warranty and a broader scope of warranty. 

  • Light Induced Degradation (LID) - This occurs to all panels in different amounts and means that over time the performance will fall slightly. Our panels have some of the lowest rates of degradation available.

  • Temperature Coefficient -  The performance of most panels will degrade significantly as the temperature rises, meaning you're not getting the most out of those sunny days. Premium panels are designed to give more output even at higher temperatures.

  • Low Light Performance - Even in overcast and cloudy days, premium panels will perform close to their rate output, with very good low light performance. 

  • Hot Spot Protection (HSP) - Our modules all have very low or zero occurrence of hot-spots. Hot spots can reduce panel performance. 

  • Micro Cracks - Micro cracks can form, reducing the output of your system. Half-cell solar panels are less susceptible to this.

  • Buss bars - More buss bars means reduced current, lower resistive losses and increased performance. Quality panels tend to have more buss bars, meaning better performance. 


SunPower is an American based company producing what is considered to be the best panel available anywhere in the world. It comes standard with a leading  25 years product warranty. 


QCELL is a German Engineered panel. They manufacture the half-cell Q.PEAK 325W panel in Korea using state of the art technology. They have a 12 year product warranty.

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Solar Edge is a leader in the market with it's 12 year standard warranty, hybrid inverter range and patented technology. 


ABB is a premium string inverter manufactured in Italy. It comes with 10 years standard warranty.

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